Literature between media is a Hedmark University College research group committed to researching the relationship between art forms, media and media forms, with particularly view to the relationship between literature and the visual arts (film, painting, sculpture, graphics, photography,architecture, etc); between literature and music and musical genres; between literature and different media such as television, radio and mixed media (computer games, digital texts etc). Literature between media brings together researchers working within different fields of aesthetics to address questions such as "how are different art forms and media depending on and referring to each other, both explicitly and implicitly; "how is literature influenced and formed by other art forms and other media?"; "in what directions is literature moving?"
Associate Professor Hans Kristian Rustad (Principal Investigator)
Professor Ole Karlsen
Associate Professor Kristin Rygg
Associate Professor Sandra Kleppe
Ph.D. student Anne Skaret
Ph.D. student Håvard Vibeto
On october 5 - 7, 2011, the symposium Literature between media will be held at Hedmark University college, Hamar, Norway. Around 20 European scholars are invited to the symposium, which will focus on different art forms and media and their relationship to poetry, prose, children's literature and digital literature within a theorethical and/or Scandinavian context. We are particularly interested in developing a project proposal on how literature interacts with – and develops in its interaction with – other art forms and media.